ZARA SA is providing Import/Export services for the Brazilian market. You will benefit from our broad international experience of more than 20 years in various countries and all continents over the world.
As Brazil is growing very fast in these times, we can help you in both directions – exporting of products from Brazil into your country but as well facilitating and executing your import needs out of your country into Brazil.
Knowing the Brazilian market, having followed market trends and opportunities from this growing country, we are your partner to accompany you in this booming market. There is a variety of products where there is huge international demand. Being able to export these products in a professional way, having the right price level and the right quality is key for you to be successful.
We are importing from various countries products to supply to the Brazilian market – with focus on Asian countries. We have broad experience in China, Thailand, Japan, India, just to name some of the key countries.With these international competence and personal experience in various parts of the world, we are your competent partner to understand your market demands, your quality requirements and helping you with the right products to make your business a success.
We are investing in long lasting business relations, partnership and trust is key when working together with you.Please contact us.
Thanking Your company,
Best Regards / Arigato / Mit freundlichen Grüssen / Saludos /Saudações,
Daniele Kon
Executive Director
Endereço: Cond. Peninsula - Barra da Tijuca - Rio de Janeiro.
Entre em contato com Daniele Kon (Deva)
Telefone: +55 21 -67162219
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